Monday, July 04, 2005

Movie Ideas


Jimmy is starring in "Muppets Take Manhatten"


"Muppets Meet Jimmy Johnson" TV Movie Special

This TV special is played ecery Fourth of July on Fox TV and CBS.

Jimmy is playing Ralph the Dog


The Flintstone Movie

Fred: Jimmy Johnson
Barney: Bob Reiss
Wilma: Becky McCormick
Dino: Munch the Dog
Betty: Chris the Nurse

Muppet TV

Jimmy Johnson as Ralph
Bob Reiss as Animal
Becky McCormick as Ms. Piggy
Chucky Fredericks as Scouter
Bob the Budsriver as "Pete"
Anthony Finley as The Swedish Chef
Kyle Keiser as Dr. Teeth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is the best blog ever.
Wow i love it